Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Water

"My friends are an oasis to me, encouraging me to go on. They are essential to my well being". How true this is! When I read that, it made me think of the word "oasis" so I looked up the "true" definition: "a fertile or green area in an arid region (as a desert) 2 : something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast"...WOW, YES-my friends ARE an oasis to me. I think back in my life at how many times I was walking through a desert, alone and feeling drained, not being able to go on and then in the exact, perfect moment, my God provided me an oasis-which I call friend. My friends are truly ESSENTIAL to me, they are my breath of fresh air, my cheerleader, my shoulder to cry on, my laugh until we hurt, my can you believe we just did that, my brutally honest opinion, my it is ok-"I get you", my I will carry your burden for today to give you rest, my let me show you the other side of the issue, my let me open your eyes to new things, my advice when I am struggling as a mom, wife, friend and Christian, my YES you can do it!, my voice of reason, my glimpses of God on a daily basis, my safe harbor, my I love you no matter what, my survival kit for getting through the desert..MY OASIS!!
So, to all my wonderfully, beautiful friends...thank you! Thank you for all that you are and for all that you bring to my life. Thank you for helping me through the valleys in my life and for enjoying the beauty of each season with me. You are MOST ESSENTIAL to my being.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Charlie's Lunch

I have something I wanted to share with you, check it out, it is called Charlie's Lunch and it is being sold through Initial Outfitters
Read how Charlie's lunch came to be, very sweet story and it is a great way to help it is a really cute lunchbox-check out all the cute things Initial Outfitters has also. If you are interested in anything, let me know and I can put you in touch with Alana. Pass along to anyone you know that might be interested.

Monday, July 7, 2008

p.s. I love you

So this past weekend I had some time while the boys were sleeping to do a little catching up on movies and I watched P.S. I love you! I loved was wonderful, definitely a must see. I will not reveal much about it in case you have not seen it but once the movie was over I just sat thinking...thinking about relationships, love and all the stuff that comes with it. I thought about the love they shared in the movie-the all encompassing, all consuming, breath taking love. The love you feel surronding you even when you are not physically together-the love that is so strong that it guides you in all your paths-the love that still takes your breath away even after all this time-the love that still gives you butterflies when he walks in the room-the love that makes you want to give him the world-the love that makes you hysterically laugh at things no one else would think is funny-the love that brings you strength when you truly feel you can not go on-the love that wraps its arms around you and makes you feel safe-so safe that nothing in the world can harm you-the love that is so strong that it makes you believe in the impossible-the love that makes you want to wake up every morning and be a better person than you were yesterday-that loves that inspires you-that love that humbles you and makes you turn away from all of your stubborn, selfish ways-that love that is so good you have times where all you can do is cry because you are so overwhelmed at how blessed you are to have that kind of love-that love that comes along once in a lifetime-that love that you absolutely can NOT live without...I thought how beautiful that was and then I look over at my wonderful husband and realize...I have THAT love. I adore my husband more today than I did the day we met, I am HONORED that he is my man, I LOVE the way he loves me, the way he makes me feel there is no one but me, the way he believes in me and supports everything that is important to me, the way he makes me laugh until I can not breathe, the way he challenges me and makes me look at things from all views, the way he holds me, the way I feel when I lay in his arms, the way he smells, the way his smile can light up my day, the way I ache when I am away from him, the way he brings me more happiness than I ever thought possible, the way he makes my heart flutter, the way he will eat my funny pieces of chicken and never complain, the way he loving accepts my weird and annoying ways, the way I can NOT live without this man, but most importantly the way when I look at him I am reminded of my God's love and grace. Enjoy every moment with your love..whoever or whatever that is.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My baby love giving a shout out

for ONE
Lately I have been really convicted about trying to do my part to help in other countries, I am saddened by the epidemic of AIDS and malaria in Africa and the poor conditions these people are living in throughout so many countries. However, I have had to acknowledge that my plate is a little full right now so I am trying to do small things for now to help and bring awareness; one of those ways was by purchasing some of the white bracelets from ONE and wearing it in support and to bring any small amount of awareness...well, my sweet Cayden LOVES my bracelet so I have given him one of his own. He crawls around with it in his mouth and even holds on to it until he falls asleep at nap time. So, now my little man is doing his part, too!
I do challenge you to pay attention to the rest of the world and realize how truly blessed we all are. We are one world, created by one is up to us to take care of those without and in need. There are so many small ways to get involved...I urge you to look into one that appeals to you!