Monday, November 10, 2008

My hat's off to you, June

and all you other moms who have it all together! OK, so I know June was only on tv but I know there are moms that together, I have seen it..but can I just tell you..I am AWFUL at it! Tonight I tried three different times to do a load of clothes and load the dishwasher and each time I quit and went and played with my kids. I know that part is ok, but my laundry is taking over my house! Then once they go to bed, I want to what I want...which is NOT housework so I go play on the computer, read, watch a little tv...but guess what I don't do?? Yep, not an ounce of what I NEED to be doing. What is wrong with me? Did that motivation just skip right over me? Any suggestions to help get me in check? Goodness knows I need help!!!!

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